Friday, August 30, 2013

Random Friday: Dream Jobs

I'm kind of having a hard time right now with a lot of different complicated things :(
But I really want to start posting again, so here's Random Friday, a weekly feature I found over at Emma's blog! I highly recommend you all to visit her blog, it's utterly fantastic.
And, uh, just note that these are my dream jobs so some of them might not be entirely, ah, possible. Hehe.

1. Shadowhunter
If you've read The Mortal Instruments series, you'll understand.
A Shadowhunter hunts demons. And I know it may sound weird or scary to you if you haven't read the books, but trust me. Shadowhunters are awesome.
2. Author
Need I elaborate?
3. Professional Gymnast
I just
Gymnastics is so amazingly awesome. It might be hard, but it's also fun and competitive and teaches you things that you can't learn from school or books. The feeling of being at a meet, of being on the floor while everyone in the room is watching you and only you. Those split seconds of flipping through the air nine feet above the ground.
And also the feeling of failing. Of not being able to grab the bar during a transition, or stumbling over your own feet after attempting a dismount of the beam. Knowing what it's like to have to crawl you your knees, stand up, smile and lift your head proudly when all you want to do is run away and cry.
So yeah. Even though I know there's no chance, I would absolutely love to be a professional gymnast.
4. Book Critic
Not entirely sure if this job exists, but how awesome would it be to be paid to read books and give your thoughts on them? I probably wouldn't be the best book critic due to my very prejudiced dislike of several genres (horror being one of them), but still.
5. Past Dreams
Like Emma, I'm going to list my past dream jobs.
President: Ah, back when I thought that was actually possible....
Teacher: 5 year old me loved to boss people around. In fact, 14 year old me still loves to boss people around (hehehe).
Painter: You know, when I was 3 and just painted a sun and thought I was the best artist in the whole world...that was my dream job ;)
Princess: Don't we all have this dream...
Wellll, there are probably more, but I think that about covers my biggest dreams. Soon I'll be posting a City of Bones movie review, some book reviews, maybe some original writing...


  1. I think my #1 dream job would have to be author, but who knows, maybe after finishing City of Bones I'll have some new ones. I've recently decided I'd like to be an English teacher, after realizing that I liked editing other people's papers. I know, I'm so weird. I think my parents want me to be a lawyer, but I can't say I'm that interested in that. As far as I can tell, you fill out forms a lot. And sit in an office all day. Not that I've looked into anything seriously, but still, being a lawyer is not on my list. I'd also hate to be a doctor. I'd probably kill all my patients. I would never be able to operate on anybody -- I'd freak out.
    Past dreams? Um, I don't know. I've wanted to be an author for as long as I could remember. I definitely wanted to be an artist at some point. And a spy. I went through this whole spy phase. Needless to say, I got caught on nearly all of my pretend "missions". So much for that.


    1. Oh yeah :) You have to read City of Bones, it's amazing.

      It really depends on what kind of lawyer you are. Do you like debate? Because some lawyers spend all day going to court and arguing cases, which can be very fun for people who enjoy debating... Of course, other people (like me) find law and politics too horrifically complicated to consider a career in :P

      Haha, a spy! Another one of those jobs that a ton of kids want when they're really young... Until you realize that being a spy means a huge chance of getting killed...

      Oh yeah. There is no way I could operate on people. I just...asdfghjkl no way.

    2. Actually, I think there are book critics or reviewers who get paid by big publishing houses to read manuscripts and see if they like it. I remember reading that on the web long ago.
