Saturday, April 20, 2013

I'm Back! (but without writing)

Well, I mean, I have writing, but not writing that I'm going to post. I'm too tired from Camp NaNoWriMo (which, as of now, I'm failing rather miserably).

First, I'm very sorry to everyone in the Boston Marathon bombing (three people dead, over 170 injured) as well as the Texas fertilizer plant bomb (currently 14 dead, death toll still climbing, over 200 injured). I really don't know what else to say but I'm sorry. Which isn't even a very good thing to say, because it isn't as though it's my fault, so apologizing is a bit odd. (unless, I am apologizing for the loss. Or something. I don't know). I think Fira Marine explained this much better than I did.

Um, what else to say? I don't know. I hate standardized testing. IhateitIhateitIhateitIhateit. Mostly the essay part. 25 minutes?! I mean, seriously, who can hand-write a good essay in under half an hour? It's insane. (okay, so I guess everyone who scored high on the SATs can hand-write a good essay in under half an hour, but still).

I want to post more often...but April is basically my busiest month in the whole year. I cannot wait for my summer vacation...even though it doesn't start until June... Oh, and I need to write my contest entry for July. Not to mention start on this ugly mountain of homework and projects that I've been procrastinating for I don't know how long.

Until next time. Which might not be for a while.


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