There are several awards and tags that I haven't gotten around to doing yet. But I will. Promise.
I also have these long posts, one each for Jace, Clary, Magnus, and one for the City of Bones movie. My friend Jasmine will also be guest posting on the topic. But for those of you who haven't read the Mortal Instruments, all the posts will probably be super boring and will not make any sense. So, I'm going to post something today that doesn't have anything to do with anything related to Shadowhunters or City of Bones or movies.
If you could have just one wish, what would it be?
A question I've been asked many times, a question that I think about whenever I have the chance (ahem, this actually means in class when I'm much too bored by the curriculum--usually math--to pay attention)
So here is my answer, finally, after so much pondering (and yet later I may change it. Because I still have many more math classes in my lifetime, which means many more opportunities to not listen to some long complicated formula and think about hypotheticals instead).
I would wish to see magic. Or, you know, learn magic or be a part of magic or just be 100% absolutely certain that magic exists.
Because in my own personal opinion, magic does exist--whether there are cloaked wizards in wands or sarcastic part-angels that kill demons or mermaids that drown sailors, I don't know. But I haven't, you know seen magic or anything, and I would really like to know that it does some way, shape, or form. (completely off-topic question: is God supposed to be magic?)
The problem with this answer: If there were some magical force that could grant wishes, then I guess I wouldn't really need to wish to see magic. But whatever. Good enough.
For the longest while my answer was world peace. Of course, world peace, the easy, noble, good choice. But world peace is really not all it's cut out to be. So if I do wish for world peace, then all of a sudden, everyone who is at war or arguing will suddenly stop. Which seems good, but imagine if you were in an very heated argument with someone. And then you are forced to stop arguing, it may be peaceful, but still in your mind, your heart, your thoughts, you know that you don't want to agree. Because, well, arguing isn't good, but being forced to keep all of your thoughts inside of you and living a big huge lie is even worse.
And then, there was getting published. My dream. For years and years and years and years and years and years and years. (actually, more like just 4 years. Whatever). But if I get a book published, I want it to be because some publisher out there really, truly believed that my writing was good, good enough to be read by the general public. Not because I wished for it, so a magical force just thrusted my writing into the printer for distribution. Does that make any sense?
Cold fusion discovered. Not as oftenly mentioned, but still significant. For those of you who don't know, cold fusion is basically this science thing where you can combine two atoms, creating free energy. Like the sun does. (notice how I'm sparing you from the long boring scientific explanation. You're welcome). Which is good, very very very good. Because we no longer have to burn the dwindling supply of fossil fuels, which means putting an end to all this pollution and global warming. You can do a lot more with cold fusion but I won't go into it...just know that it would be a cause for great celebration if it happened. But the problem is, the magical force will make cold fusion possible for humans. But the newspaper's not just going to say, "BREAKING NEWS: MAGICAL FORCE CREATES COLD FUSION DUE TO A TEENAGE GIRL'S WISH" Oh no. Someone's going to get credit for it. Some scientist(s), who did not discover cold fusion for humans, will get all the credit. They will most definitely receive a Nobel Prize; will be among the most famous scientists ever. When they didn't even deserve it. Now, that's not good.
Magic, world peace, being published, and cold fusion were my main four choices. And I found flaws in all four, but magic seemed the best. So...yeah. There's my answer! What's yours?
Hmmm....whenever I get this question, I always feel like I should do something that would benefit everyone, not just me. There are so many options for that -- better economy, no more hunger, no more overcrowding, world peace...there are way to many things that could improve world. Anyway, it's probably better to chose one of those things, but if I'm being selfish, I'd say the power of flight. I've always wanted to able able to fly. There are problems with that, I know -- you wouldn't want anyone to see you flying, but I think that might still be my choice.
Yup, I totally get what you mean about being selfish/selfless. And when we sit around and discuss, we just say, "oh, yeah, I wish for an end to world hunger, etc" But when the situation arises, are we really going to be so selfless?
DeleteFlight! That reminds me, you should check out my post about if-you-could-choose-one-superpower. Here's the link:
I actually really liked the beginning of the story. I'm currently trying to edit the beginning of a story I'm writing, and I'm pretty sure the beginning will bore readers to sleep. For a while I also thought invisibility would be my superpower of choice. It's still high up on my list, but it can't rival the dreams I've always had of flying. I'm naturally a shy person though, so invisibility could definitely have its uses.