Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Utter Randomness Part 2

Sorry. I really haven't been posting much lately. It'll get better once summer comes...because my teachers have the crazy notion that since school is almost out, they have to cram as many projects as they can before we're done. Sighhh....

I have a lot of short little ideas to post about, so I've decided to compile them all into a post full of jumbled randomness.
Only 12 more days of school until I'm out!!!!! *cheers wildly* My last day of school is May 31st. But it's really more like 10 days, since on two of those 12 days I'm going to different amusement parks (one for getting a 4.0 GPA ((finally)) and one for being on my school band--I play flute). Huzzah! Over the summer, I still have school, kind of. I'm going to take summer math course, so I can skip one year of math. Which means I get 3 math APs in high school. I hate math, but APs make it all worth it. College, college, college!

I have failed to share this with you guys (I think), but I happen to love doing things to my hair, especially fancy braiding. My hair is quite long, and it doesn't get tangled very easily, which makes it a lot easier to do stuff with it. Except more than half the time I just take out my fancy hairdos, because my gymnastics coach only allows ponytails and plain buns. My favorite hairstyles, which I wear to school quite often (besides ponytails and just leaving my hair down) are fishtail braids, waterfall braids, and rope braid buns. (told you I liked braids...) I found these very nice tutorials on YouTube for these hair braids, and I just wanted to share them.
All three of them are by Bebexo. She is one of my favorite YouTubers!!! She has a ton of other hair tutorials too, which are all worth watching. I have wasted many many hours trying to copy what she does.

Then, I saw this article about photographer Jaime Moore who threw a unique photo shoot for her 5-year-old daughter, Emma! Instead of dressing Emma up as beautiful Barbie dolls and Disney princesses, she had Emma copy the poses of real-life women role models. I tried forever, but I can't figure out how to copy the images into this post, so just click the link below to see the very adorable and very inspiring pictures!!!!

As I have mentioned before, I recently joined a message board, Prisoner of Reality. It looks VERY complicated when you first visit (I couldn't find my way around at all). But if you just poke around and visit it more often, it gets really easy to navigate. Please join--the more the merrier!! :)

Last thing: I know a lot of bloggers who don't like awards and tags, but I REALLY REALLY REALLY enjoy doing them. So, if you ever need someone to nominate an award or tag for, please let me do them? I really like them. I have like 4 award-like posts that I'm working on, but haven't finished due to aforementioned crazy amount of projects. And getting ready for a gymnastics meet...because if I do well enough at that one, I get to go to Detroit over the summer for a bigger competition! Have a great day!



  1. No fair! You only have twelve days left? I still have a month! I mean, I usually like school, but it's the end of the year and all of our teachers seem to be cramming in all the tests they want to give. For the last few weeks, we've had a test/quiz/exam every day. *groans dramatically* I can't wait for summer, except for the fact that I hate hot, humid weather. Detest it. It makes me feel lazy and lethargic, which I can't stand. Oh, and most of friends aren't going to be around for a lot of the summer, so I'm stuck with my little siblings for company *groans dramatically* (again)


    1. Omigod, another month??!!! Poor you! *pats Kiki on the back* When does your school start up?
      I totally know how you feel with the tests/quizzes/exams. Since we're doing finals this week and next week, along with all the end-of-year standardized tests and benchmarks and all that fun stuff.

      Hot, humid weather...I don't know if I hate it. Of course, sometimes it is just unbearably hot which is uncomfortable. But summer is gymnastics season, and I don't care if it's hailing or 105 degrees, I love gymnastics! :)

      How many siblings do you have? How old are they? I have a little sister, who is just...very...that girl is a wonder, I'll just say.

  2. School starts in early September. I don't know, maybe that's late. Well, since I'm in 6th grade, the teachers aren't technically allowed to give us finals and call them 'finals'. So instead they're called 'end of the year tests' and 'benchmarks' and stuff like that, but they're pretty much the same thing.
    I'm awful at gymnastics. Really awful. I can't touch my toes, or do a handstand or a cartwheel. When I was about six I took a gymnastics class where the teacher told me that if my cartwheel didn't get better she would have to move me into a group all by myself. She wasn't very nice.
    I have two little brothers, who are nine and seven. Sometimes I wonder if they act the same way at school as they do at home. If they do...I don't even want to know what happens in their classrooms if they do. I don't think teachers approve of playing 'pillow baseball'.

