Saturday, June 15, 2013

Current Writing Works

So I know this is supposed to be a writing blog, but I just do not have any good writing to put up yet. Sorry! Over the summer I always do a lot of writing, so we'll see if I can get anything ready for my readers. Not that I have very many readers...sigh. But I don't want to like go around and beg strangers to come see my blog either. If you're reading this, please comment and tell your friends about my blog! And if you have a Gmail or Yahoo! Mail or FaceBook, PLEASE follow my blog. Please, please, please, please, pleaaaaseeee.....

Just so that people have things to comment about:
What are your plans for the summer?
I'm going to China. In fact, I'm leaving on Monday. EEK. Scared. I'm staying there for three whole weeks! Argh, I hope there's some way I can still practice gymnastics. Not that I'm extremely competitive or anything--I love gymnastics and I love competing, but I'm not good enough to go to a higher level than, say, regional competitions. Anyway, I don't want to abandon this already-fading-away-even-though-it's-only-even-months-old blog for three weeks, because then it'd really die. So I shall find a filter to (er, illegally) post on my blog! I won't abandon my (two) faithful readers! :) Thank you to Kiki and Hilda for frequently visiting and commenting on my blog. THANK YOU.

On a slightly more serious note, I'm getting all depressed about my blog, too. Like Fira was a while ago. Because there's barely anybody reading my blog. And there are some fellow Bloggers whom I follow, and I comment on their blogs very frequently. But they never come visit mine, which is really depressing.

Now, for what I actually came online to post about. My current writing works. Here's a list of the works I'm in the middle of writing, editing, or just dormant.

Currently Writing:
Paper Thin
Aerial (still working on the title. It's about gymnastics, and it's for the July Camp NaNoWriMo, so I haven't started yet, but I wouldn't call it dormant since I'm thinking about it)
Fade Out

Currently Editing:
Catnlyst (my April Camp NaNoWriMo novel)
A Day in the Life (my November NaNoWriMo novel)

Dormant Ideas/Stories:
Skyward (wrote three chapters, then stopped when April's NaNo rolled around)
Seaworthy (about three-fourths finished. This one I had worked on until November's NaNo arrived)
As I Always Say (just a vague idea)
Seven Seconds (a slightly more developed idea. I'm also considering titling it Run, Jump, Flip but that sounds a bit weird)

So as you can see, NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) and Camp NaNoWriMo are huge factors in my writing career. Well, not career exactly. My dream is to be published, but I'm not. Yet. If you have any ideas for a title of a gymnastics novel, tell me! And which do you prefer: Seven Seconds or Run, Jump, Flip? Are there any titles you particularly like/dislike?

Next post (or a post coming soon, anyway) I'll have a synopsis of my currently writing works and my currently editing works. Maybe a synopsis of Seaworthy, too, since I already know where it's going.

That's it for today! Make sure to sound off in the comments about your summer plans, and if you have any ideas about my story titles! Have a great day, everybody! :)



  1. Thanks! Your welcome! I'm so sorry I can't follow...I don't have an account that will let me. And even if I did, I probably wouldn't be allowed to. I'm only allowed to comment anonymously. "Kiki" is a pseudonym. (Oh my gosh, I actually spelling pseudonym right!)
    Over the summer, I'm not really doing anything. I go to three weeks of day camp, and then just kind of do nothing the rest of the summer. My family goes to visit my cousins for a few weeks. That's about it. I was debating doing camp for longer, but I really want to write a bunch this summer, and that won't happen if I'm too busy.
    Have fun in China! How long is the flight? I'm the slightest bit claustrophobic, and I hate being in a small carrier miles above the Earth. And the tiny bathrooms....forget it.
    Hmmm, how about Balance for a title? I think I like Seven Seconds better than Run, Jump, Flip. I really like the title Paper Thin. What is it about?
    Oh, and Happy Father's Day! (Well, you're not a father, obviously, but since it's a holiday and all, I thought I'd mention it. Is that strange?)


    1. Oh, well that's fine! :) Not your fault. Haha, pseudonym is a pretty hard one to spell, isn't it? There are some words that just have the weirdest spellings...
      Ooh, a day camp! Is it a specific day camp (for basketball, for arts a crafts, etc.)? Visiting your cousins sounds fun! There are some cousins I never see, and some that I see every week...
      GASP are you a writer, too???!!! Can I read your writing? PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE.
      Right now I'm in an airport, ready to fly to China (physically. Not mentally). I'll explain everything in the post I'm about to do right after I finish this comment!

      Balance...I like it. But maybe Off-Balance. Mhmm, I like Seven Seconds better, too. And it isn't strange to mention Father's Day, because it IS a holiday.

      As for Paper Thin, well, I'll be posting the synopsis of it very very soon! :)

    2. It's an arts camp. I play the viola (I know, I know, it's a weird choice, but that's what I play). So I do some instrument playing, some art, some musical theory, and....some acting. Acting. I am not an actor. At all. The only reason I'm signed up for the acting class is because my mom thinks it will "be good for me". Ack.
      All of my first cousins live pretty close, and I usually see them at least once a year. I'm the oldest, so I'm always responsible for the seven (!!!) younger kids.
      I'm a writer, too....or, at least, I used to be. For the last few months I've had massive writer's block. I've written a bit, but it's all bad, and I haven't felt motivated to write. I'm trying to make something happen, but I can't seem to make it make sense. Oh, well. I'm hoping the extra writing time in the summer will help.
      Sure, I'll put some writing in comments. It probably won't be for at least a week, though. I need to fill up some major plot holes before even the beginning of my story makes sense.
      Balance, Off-Balance, how about Finding Balance? Or Looking for Balance? Or Wobble? You know what...maybe not Wobble.


    3. Ooh, cool, the viola! For the longest time I totally did not know the difference between violas and violins. *ashamed* But now I do! I play the flute and the piano...I like the flute better, but in terms of my musical aptitude, I'm better on the piano.
      I can totally empathize with you on the acting. I am NOT an's not the stage fright, I'm just bad at acting. For my elective in seventh grade for first semester, my mom made me sign up for drama, because she also though it would "be good for me." I wish I could tell you some sappy story on how I developed a love for acting and all that, but I still am bad at and consequently dislike acting. Good luck!
      Mhmm, most of my first cousins live pretty close to me, but I have some cousins living in Texas (which isn't within driving distance of where I live, at all), and some in England.
      WOW, seven kids!! And I'm annoyed by just my one little sister...I hope you can still enjoy your summer, despite being in charge of all those younger kids!
      Oh, take your time with the writing! :) Ugh, writer's block. *shudders* Sometimes I get stuck for a while, once for like two whole months, but I've gathered a few techniques on how to sort of help it. I'll definitely post those on here soon :) Oh yeah, extra writing time does wonders.
      I suggest writing a short story on having to take care of your cousins (or maybe a humorous piece on how hard it is to do that) just to get your ideas flowing.

      Ooh, Finding Balance! Kiki, you are a genius. I love that one. Maybe I'll use it... THANKS! Haha, probably not Wobble. xD

    4. That's okay, at least you didn't say "That's like a worse version of the violin, right?" I seriously go crazy when people say that (or something along those lines). Just for the record, it's not true.
      I used to play the piano, too. I started when I was four and played until I was ten and I started playing viola. I tried to play both instruments, but I just didn't have time, so I chose to continue with the viola. Piano is such a lonely instrument to play. With the viola, you can be in orchestras, chamber music groups, ensembles, etc.
      I have stage fright AND I am an awful actor. I can't even act for m family, much less a class full of strangers!
      Well, we only visit my cousins for about two weeks, but that can feel like way too long. Their ages range from 3-10, and I swear it is impossible to keep them all happy. The six year old wants to play Polly Pocket, but the three year old will eat the pieces; the two ten year olds want to wrestle, and they're yelling at the five year old because he's playing with his blocks and is in the way; the eight year old is doing gymnastics on the furniture, and I'm trying not to yell at all of them. Sometimes, though, believe it or not, visiting them can actually be fun. Sometimes.
      Writing about my cousins....good idea. Thank you!
      And yes, please please please post soon on writer's block. I'm getting desperate.
      Yeah, Wobble probably isn't the best. I was trying to think of synonyms for off-balance, and, well, it didn't exactly work out.


  2. Aww thanks! Don't feel bad. See the list of blogs I follow when you click on my name? I visit and leave a comment on every one of them or almost all (some are on hiatus) but I only get maybe three comments the most so far. I think. So I hope you don't feel bad. Hmm... Maybe I can post an announcement over at my blog about yours?

    1. Don't thank're the one always visiting my blog! :)
      I do see the list of blogs you follow...and I have to say, you do a fantastic job of commenting around everywhere. Oh, I'm sorry that you don't get many comments back...I'll be sure to go head over to you blog right after I finish this comment! :) You're so sweet, Hilda.

      If you could do an announcement, that would be so awesome! You don't need to devote a whole post to it, just maybe mention it at the end of one of your posts? If you do this, thank you so much! I'll have an announcement for your blog, too :)

    2. Aw, my pleasure! i'll do that on my next post. :D
