Wednesday, December 26, 2012

A Belated Merry Christmas

Hi, everyone! I hope you had a very merry Christmas, and if you don't celebrate Christmas, I think Kwanzaa starts today...and if you celebrate Chanuka, I hope that was a several days, and if you don't celebrate any of those, I hope you will have a happy New Year or a happy winter! For Christmas my parents gave me a $100 Barnes and Noble (a chain bookstore) gift card, which I am extremely happy about.
I really would've posted a lot earlier, but I went to Lake Tahoe in Nevada (which, by the way, has awesome sloped) and the hotel I was staying at had no WiFi, unless you buy it for like $25... But while I was on vacation, I had an idea for some long overdue writing to post, and July also gave me the Winterlicious Tag (which I will do in just a sec).

Right now, I seem to have the beginnings of the flu...stuffy nose, my head feels heavy, and my face is rather flushed. But I don't mind because I'm at home, with my family, well fed and happy, which unfortunately not everyone in the world can say. Anyway, not much else to say, so I think I'll get started on that Winterlicious Tag! Tomorrow I'll post the writing that I ought've posted loooong ago.


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