Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Guest Post: Madeline I mentioned in yesterday's "tag" post, I'm going to put up a guest post from my friend Madeline. She doesn't have a blog as of right now, but Madeline is considering starting one, so if she does I'll make sure to put the link to it later :) So, here's Madeline!

       I feel sad when I hear about people's extracurriculars and their sports and activities and hobbies and whatnot. Because I feel, I don't know...passionless? I wake up in the morning, may or may not eat breakfast go to school, come home, do homework/study, eat dinner, do more homework/study, and then go to sleep--every school day. My weekends are kind of the same, except I spend the whole day doing homework.
       Some people have some sort of passion or hobby that takes up some of their time and makes them happy. My friend Karianna does gymnastics nearly 28 hours per week. My other friend Audrey (yes, the Audrey whose blog I'm invading currently) has a bunch of different activities after school to keep her busy. I don't really have anything, not even a religion, nor am I a huge fan of anything in particular (except Harry Potter). I'm not a part of anything, I'm not involved in anything.
       Well, I guess you don't really have to have any hobbies or whatever to make you happy, but I feel bored with my life. Unhappy with my life, I suppose. I'm in eighth grade, which is considered my childhood. Your childhood is supposed to be fun, and you're supposed to enjoy it while it lasts. But I don't really know if I'm doing that--I don't know if I'm enjoying life. Are you enjoying your life?
       And there's more than enjoyment on my mind. If I died tomorrow, would I be satisfied with my life so far? Would you? How I wish I could say yes. But no, if I died tomorrow, I would feel like I hadn't done enough in the years I'd lived. My uncle said to me that one purpose of life is to live it so that you would be contented with it, if you died the next say. So have I failed a purpose of life?
       Another thing that bugs me--would anyone really care if I died? Besides my parents and my siblings, is there anyone who really needs me? I don't talk very much--I like to just read and write, and frankly I'd rather read than talk to someone. So if I did die, my parents would be sad (at least I hope they'd be). But what if my existence, every single word I've said and action I've performed, just vanished? I haven't impacted anyone's life. I haven't made any large donations to people in need, I haven't befriended someone who has no friends, etcetera. I wonder, has anyone benefited from my existence? One of my friends is in ballet, and if she just vanished, her ballet school would probably have a hard time replacing the many roles she plays in their various ballets. No one really needs me.
       I wish I couldn't say this, I wish that right now I was away doing something instead of sitting at home, typing away at the computer. But I want to know if maybe anyone knows what I mean, because right now, nobody I know does. (Granted, I haven't asked many people).
      So this is the part where I wrap everything up eloquently and sign off gracefully. However, I really have no skill at that, so we'll end here. Conclusions aren't really necessary, seeing as I'm not putting this on an English teacher's desk and waiting for him/her to pour a gallon of red ink over it.

And that was Madeline! :)





  1. Hi Madeline! Nice to meet you. I have such awesome friends here and you are more than welcome to join in too if you like. :)

  2. Wow. That felt like reading thoughts out of my own brain.

    It was nicely written. :) And I totally understand.
